Tale Shop

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Twinkle twinkle, diamonds.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land lived two pixies. They were called Casper and Jasper and they were the very best of friends. They were a friendly and good-natured lot and always wanted to help others.
One day Casper and Jasper realised that in Fairyland where they lived there was no one left to help! They had been so helpful to everyone that all the fairies there were happy and none needed any more help from anyone.
"Let's travel around the world and see if we can find people to help" Jasper said.
"What an excellent idea!", Casper replied.
So, the next day Casper and Jasper set out on their way to try and find people to help.
On the third day of their journey, they crossed a mountain and came to a valley where they had never been before. Being tired, they decided to rest near a bubbling brook, under a shady tree.
"Whew! This feels good" exclaimed Casper.
"Yes, it does", Jasper nodded his head in agreement.
After they had rested for a while, they both felt refreshed and decided to carry on with their travels. Suddenly they heard somebody sobbing from nearby.
Jasper cocked his ear and said, "Casper, did you hear that? It sounds like somebody's in trouble and needs help!"
Casper replied, "I heard that, someone really does need our help!".
They searched around to see who was crying. When they looked around the tree, they saw a princess sitting there. She was very beautiful and had a golden crown on her head. But she was crying! Her face was wet with her tears and she was sobbing.
"Princess, princess! Why are you so sad?" Casper and Jasper cried out. "Tell us please and we will help you in any way we can".
The princess looked at them greatfully and said, "Thank you, for offering to help me, but I don't know if you will be able to."
"An evil giant has come to our castle and he eats only diamonds. He has said that he will take all my diamonds away and eat them up! And my diamonds are magic diamonds which twinkle at night. Anybody who eats the will become very very strong. If the giant eats them up he will become the strongest giant in the world and he will then make us all slaves! Boo-hoo-hoo!!" The princess started sobbing again.
Casper and Jasper looked at each other. "Don't worry Princess, we will help you. We will hide your diamonds so that the evil giant can't find them."
"Oh! Would you? I would be so happy if you could do that!" the princess exclaimed.
"Just leave it to us and we will take care of it" Casper replied with a bow.
The princess handed them a large sack which was full of her diamonds and wished them luck.
Casper and Jasper set out to find a hiding place for the diamonds.
At first they thought they would hide it in the brook, under the water among the pebbles lying at the bottom. But the fishes in the brook, raised their heads out of the water and said, "No, no, no! Don't hide the diamonds here. They will twinkle and wink at night and the giant will find them alright! For it's in this very brook, he comes to drink and wash"
The pixies took the heavy sack and carried on to look for another place to hide.
They walked a long way and reached a field. The field had been freshly plowed and the earth turned up.
"Why don't we plant the diamonds in each furrow?", they thought.
Thinking it was a good hiding place, they happily started to plant the diamonds in the field. Suddenly, the ants in the field came out of the ant-hill and chorused in their tiny voices, "No, no, no! Don't hide the diamonds here. Its here that the giant comes to scratch his claws and these diamonds then he will find alright!"
Casper and Jasper were sad when they heard this. They were tired and hungry and still hadn't found a good hiding place! And they wanted to help the princess so much!
They put the heavy sack over their shoulder and walked on. A long, long way did they go, but in vain. All the places they found were not good hiding places.
Night was setting in and the pixies were tired. They sat on top of a hill under the moonlight and felt very very sad.
"I feel so sad not being able to help the princess", sighed Jasper.
Casper nodded and gave a deep sigh in reply.
It was a full moon night and the rest of the world was in their cosy beds and fast asleep. Except for Casper and Jasper, who were sighing deep sighs and feeling sadder and sadder.
Their sighs were so loud, that the moon heard them.
"Hullo! That sounds like Casper and Jasper!"
"It is Casper and Jasper!"
"You pixies are so happy always, why are you looking so sad now?"
The moon was their friend, so the pixies related the whole story to the moon and asked,"Do you think you can help us? You see the whole world from up above. Is there any hiding place that the giant won't find"
The moon thought for a moment, pursing his lips, his forehead furrowed with concentration. "The giant goes everywhere on the ground and he can smell a diamond even if its buried or under water or in the deepest cave.."
Then suddenly his face cleared and he beamed.
"I know where you can keep them safe and sound!"
"Where? Where?" Casper and Jasper shouted all excited.
"Not on the ground, not in the water, not on a tree, not in a cave... But in the sky with me!! The giant can't fly so he cannot take them from the sky. And I will always be watching them!"
"Yippeee", cried the pixies jumping with glee. "What a brilliant idea! That's the best place possible to keep the diamonds safe. The princess will be so happy!!"
They jumped up and danced with happiness whooping and shouting with joy.
They gave the sack of diamonds to the moon and the moon placed them all around him in the sky. And they did look a pretty sight, shining and twinkling in the night sky!
The princess was very happy when she saw the diamonds in the sky.
"I am so happy! I am so happy! Now I can always see my precious diamonds every night! And the evil giant will never be able to get them ever!!"
We too can see the princess' diamonds in the sky, all you need is to look up at the sky at night and you can see them there twinkling and winking and shining bright. And whenever, the princess wants to wear one of her diamonds, she just calls out to the moon and he throws one down to her as a shooting star.
As for Casper and Jasper, they were very happy that they could help the princess and carried on with their journey to help people. They had a lot more exciting adventures but that would be another story...!


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